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Monday, 24 March 2014

100+ Viral Websites To Kill Your Boredom Instantly

VIRAL WEBSITES....aaah that's something i love Internet for! Whenever i'm tired or want to escape my thoughts, this is the best remedy. Viral websites are websites with any random stuff that's awe inspiring either good or bad way, but the best thing is that it inspire you to share that stuff with your friends and colleagues. Yes. Stuff that's viral.

After almost two years of my search for viral,  cool websites, i have found literally hundreds of viral websites that are cool as hell. Here are best 100 from them which you can use everyday to fire your creativity and kill the boredom by smashing it on its head! Some of this are random websites while some are focused on specific kinda stuff, but it is for sure that you will love each of this viral websites. So enjoy!

Viral Image Of Realistic 3D Tatoo
(Simply click on the link to open a website in new tab. Please do not copy, it took almost 14 hours to verify and collect this many websites. If you still want to copy, please give a back-link to this page.)
  1. ViralPort
  2. BuzzFeed
  3. StumbleUpon
  4. Distractify
  5. UpWorthy
  6. ViralNova
  7. ZergNet
  8. Digg
  9. Reddit
  10. Delicious
  11. KnowYourMeme
  12. ViralBlog
  13. Mashable
  14. TeensDigest
  15. ViralBlog
  16. Geekologie
  17. ThoughtCatalog
  18. FaithIt
  19. PolicyMic
  20. UpRoxx
  21. HuffingtonPost
  22. Gawker
  23. BoingBoing
  24. BoredPanda
  25. CoolHunter
  26. HipsterRunoff
  27. Unbelievable-facts
  28. UFactsBlog
  29. Facts.Fm
  30. FunOnTheNet
  31. OMG-Facts
  32. FactsWT
  33. AllAmazingFacts
  34. OddStuffMagazine
  35. FunniestArea Blog
  36. JustForLaughs Gags
  37. 9 Gag
  38. The Awl
  39. CheezBurger
  40. ThisIsColossal
  41. Ranker
  42. YouTube
  43. Vube
  44. Vulture
  45. ImgUr
  46. Nature-Pictures
  47. UpRoxx
  48. TwentyTwoWords
  49. Brainz.Org
  50. DailyDot
  51. TwistedSifter
  52. MobileLikez
  53. MetaFilter
  54. NewsVine
  55. DormStormer
  56. Fark
  57. PasteMagazine
  58. iO9
  59. FactsList
  60. WizGig
  61. List25
  62. ListVerse
  63. TheTopTens
  64. AllTopTens
  65. TopTenz
  66. RareHistoricalPhotos
  67. SlightlyWarped
  68. ILikeToWasteMyTime
  69. My Science Academy
  70. BlazePress
  71. Pica-Pic
  72. TheSkunkPot
  73. Mommy Has A Potty Mouth
  74. AnaSomnia
  75. GeekCasket
  76. Dafuq Did I Just Read
  77. MotivationGrid
  78. TopInfoPost
  79. WeChooseTheMoon
  80. MentalFloss
  81. HigherPerspective
  82. MotherNatureNetwork
  83. DailyNewsDig
  84. PsychoFactz
  85. The Todd And Erin Favorite Five
  86. WallToWatch
  87. TinyHouseWoon
  88. Nature-Pictures
  89. UPopin
  90. ViralForest
  91. TheCollectiveInt
  92. Vice
  93. Oddity Central
  94. DeMilked
  95. Joquz
  96. WeaveSilk
  97. Ignant
  98. TopTenSoup
  99. Matador Network
  100. EarthRandom
Like gadgets? here's my list of top 50 Interesting gadget websites.

Kindly share. Sharing is caring. Have a nice day. 

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